DMCA Takedown Request

We value the intellectual property rights of others and ask that our users do the same. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) has established a process for dealing with complaints about copyright infringement. If you own the copyright or have the right to act on behalf of the copyright owner and would like to report a claim that a third party is infringing on that material, please file a DMCA report on our Contact page and we will take appropriate action.

DMCA Report Requirements

  • A description of the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed;
  • A description of the material you believe is infringing and you wish to remove or disable access to, including the URL or other location of the document;
  • Name, title (if agent), address, phone number, and email address;
  • A statement that you agree to the authority: "I strongly believe that the use of copyrighted material which I am complaining about is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or as permitted by law (for example, fair use);"
  • A statement that you did not perjure: "The information in this notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, I am the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;"
  • Electronic or physical signature of the copyright owner or authorized person acting on behalf of the owner.

Your DMCA takedown request should be emailed to:

We will review your DMCA request and take appropriate action, including removal of content from the site.

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